Howdy. We are somehow still going strong here. Rain is threatening golf this morning, but we revived the Dawg in the hopes of sneaking nine holes in.
Wasn't a lot to post yesterday, guessing you all didn't need more pics of baseball and us eating dinner. The late night euchre has been pretty hilarious. My partner loooooves my strategy after drinking for 10 hours.
A few things have evolved over the course of these weekends... There was a legit conversation about underwear preferences. We are waaaaaay better had hangover and house supply management. And, relatedly, we are a bit slower in the morning.
Mojo left this morning, he has an important job, remember? It's also his birthday, so if you see him on the road, tell him happy birthday.
Hope to have a golf pic here in a bit. Might look like the rain scene from Caddyshack, but this is a determined crew.
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