Hey, all, hope this one finds you well. Before I get started, wanted to acknowledge a few other blogs I follow and encourage you to check them out. The first two are written by lady friends of ours, and yes, they are most definitely ladies. The first is one who just gave birth to preemie twin boys a few months back, and talks about their journey and current updates on the two finest young gentlemen under 6 months old. The second is by the wife of a friend who shall remain nameless for confidentiality reasons talking about her experiences as she carries their first born, who is due July 16th. Though I guess the name of the blog could tip you off, but let’s just say it’s confidential, shall we? Both are really well written, and for anyone who knows me, you may know them, too. Even if you don’t, it’s an interesting read for anyone who loves their families and can appreciate what children do for the world.
This last one is written by a buddy of mine and it’s about…well, I’m not quite sure what it’s about, but it’s pretty funny. A quick background, he’s a die hard Phillies fan who was more than excited about their signing Roy Halladay. He writes almost every day, posts some pretty random stuff, and for those with a dry sense of humor, you’ll get a kick out of it.
On to business, or bu-EEES-ness. If you got the reference and can email it to me, I will buy you a beer. Anyways, we’ve been hinting at it, and it is here, baby, the inaugural Logical Betting podcast! I managed to track down a friend who works for an undisclosed MLB team and has knowledge of some steroid stuff and, as a follow up to our recent steroids post, agreed to give his take on steroids in the game. He will be now and forever known as Jeremy in Logical Betting land. So many thanks to him for doing this for us. He’s got some good insight and good takes on the topic, and not to toot his horn, but this is a good listen. It is safe for work and children, FYI, in case you want to listen while you’re sitting at your desk or at home. Thanks to the Logical Betting Tech Support Team (LBTST), The Dog and Will (you know who you are) who consulted and walked me through how to pull this off. Here is the link:
Yes, I realize this is a long link, but trust me, it works. LBTST is working on shortening it for the next podcast, and there will be a “next podcast.” It is in MP3 format, and is also going to warn you that it’s too big to scan for viruses. I assure you that it is virus free, my computer is virus free, and I’m not trying to hack into anybody but Fah’s computer. If you don’t trust it, don’t download it, but it’s your loss. Our inaugural podcast is brought to you unofficially by Apple’s iTunes, home of many good, free podcasts, but not this one. You have to download it with the impossibly long link, which checks in at 67 characters after the first = sign, in case you’re counting at home. Also, many props to Google Docs and Fah’s knocked up wife’s stock portfolio since I just mentioned it and she works for them.
In the meantime, I’m realizing that we’ve had quite a few guests here since we started writing, so I think it’s time to give a quick reminder of the contributors/characters who have graced us with their presence so far, and, podcasting over the Web willing, will grace us with it again. Without further adieu, here is the Logical Betting Cast of Characters, powered by G.E., because my dad’s favorite client works for them:
The Wife – leads the blog in appearances, unofficial LB editor, and screens out “inappropriate comments” from yours truly. She also leads in most debates with LB and most patience of any woman in the history of mankind.
Fah T. – N**** D*** fan, one of my best friends from the D, first one to get pulled from the suggestion box. He hasn’t responded to my comment about using his girth as a sandbag yet, so I’m not sure if he’s mad at me or slumping in a corner cause he knows I might be right. That, and his wife is giving birth in a couple months, so he might be busy.
Mr. Mojo Risin – another one of my best friends from back in the D, Army ranger/Special Forces, first guest appearance on the blog, hooks me up with Army/Navy tix every year, and for whatever reason, the one the wife wanted to win my suicide pool if me or her lost.
J.B. – my pick for the next commissioner of the NHL, and one of the last true hockey fans alive. He actually told me, “don’t go all Bill Simmons and start podcasting,” until I told him I wanted him on if I could make it work, which is the plan. He also says, “F you, d-bag,” any time I say, “the year was 1997…” in reference to the Red Wings sweep of his beloved Flyers. It wouldn’t matter if I ended that sentence with “…the year I graduated high school,” I would still get called that name. Otherwise, he’s a great guy.
Jeremy – man in the MLB know. Any time I need an insider to talk baseball with me, he’s my guy. He’s also quite knowledgeable in college hoops, and the twin brother of J.B.’s wife. He is one of the few people who know how Logical Betting got its name, and will tell you if you can figure out who he is because, to be honest, he doesn’t need a bribe and doesn’t think the name is all that funny. Another all around good dude, can’t go wrong with Jeremy.
The Dog – Logical Betting tech support, one of my boys back in the D, and currently one of two people on the Logical Betting payroll. His salary? His first drink on me every time I see him. Even if he’s bartending. Then I’ll just have him put it on my tab and its 90% discount.
Will – Also on the Logical Betting tech support team, with the same salary as The Dog. I once talked Will into doing a shot of tequila two seconds after his wife said, “don’t give him tequila” and he said, “I can’t do tequila.” I think I said something along the lines of “so you Philly boys always do everything your wives tell you to?” He did the shot, though only one of us vomited that night. And it wasn’t Will. That was the night of J.B.’s 30th at our beloved and now deceased bar, for those who know J.B.
My hope is that one day I’ll have the chance to recognize all of you who contribute to this blog in your own way with an anonymous nickname that doubles as an inside joke. Until then, there’s your current cast, and with any luck, many more are on the way. I guarantee there will be a new one this July, hint hint. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and if you don’t, well… like I said, we’re gonna try it again. Send comments and suggestions to my personal email or logicalbetting@hotmail.com. 21 days til Spring…
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