Best on the market |
By the way, I read recently that children born today have a life expectancy of 90+ years if they live past 65, meaning our kids have a real shot at seeing the turn of the century, much like we did. Still wrapping my head around that one...
On 2nd thought... |
1. Bells - couldn't live without another Oberon
2. Founders - great one-offs and good gateway brewery for new craft drinkers
3. Dogfish Head - most creative brewer out there
4. Stone - 2nd most creative brewer out there
5. Sierra Nevada - best gateway brewery and awesome line of one-offs
Beers (this is much harder)
1. Bells Oberon
2. Shorts Huma-licious IPA
3. Founders Breakfast Stout
4. Russian River Piney the Elder
5. Cape May Coastal Evacuation IPA (only cause its the first that came to mind, the 5th is impossible. Currently #1 on the wife's list)
First, the criteria... there is no f**king criteria. It's whatever candy you like. This is America, dammit, like what you want. I hate when people say you have to live or like things a certain way. Stop "should-ing" all over yourself and enjoy life. (more on this in a future post, co-starring Mojo).
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Early appearance |
Appoves |
4. Twizzlers - versatile. Great for movies or road trips. Also low fat, which is great if you're trying to lose weight.*
3. Reese's Pieces - possibly the most underrated candy out there. Perfect in ice cream, especially the Friendly's Reese's Pieces Peanut Butter Sundae
2. Sour Patch Kids - a fave since I was a kid. My favorite movie and road trip candy. Plus, not a lot of other people like them, so you don't have to share. See, told you I was in the Christmas spirit!
1. Peanut M&Ms - Note the salty/sweet combos in a few of mine. I'm more of a salty snack kinda guy, so my list reflects it. I can crush a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos in a minute.
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Winner, winner, chicken dinner! |
Since knowing is half the battle, I reached out to a cast of LB characters for their lists, most familiar, and a couple new. Quotes and breakdowns are all theirs.
Neighbor Chrissy, who will soon be sharing her touching story of how sports literally changed the entire course of her life for the better. They also live like 6 doors down, and are into craft beer. Hello, drunken beer walks...
5. Hershey's Classic
4. Snickers
3. Butterfinger
2. Peanut Butter Cups
1. Kit Kat
Me - "Is that all, any comments?" Her - "Kit Kat is #1. It was hard not to eat them this year!" A woman of many smiles, and apparently few written words. She lost some weight in the past year, allegedly due to healthy diet and exercise, but the neighbors and I think she's shooting meth. She doesn't have any visible signs, but did not deny when we implied she was shooting between her toes.
Next, the Dawg's fiancee (anonymous, just in case she needs it), aka, the most patient woman on the planet. ***
5. Laffy Taffy - still reminds me of second grade and reading all the jokes with my friends. You are never too old to enjoy a Laffy Taffy joke.
You can't hide from me... |
3. Godiva Dark Chocolate- I am the person at work who has a candy bowl constantly filled for all my adult co-workers to get their fix. Godiva makes everyone's day better. (LB Note - that should be their slogan).
2. Starburst Jelly Beans - Only around during Easter. So I only have about 6 weeks to get my fill!
1. Reeses Pieces - hands down my favorite candy ever. I usually have a bag in my purse for when I want something sweet but don't want a whole dessert. Weird thing is I love the Reeses Pieces, but hate the Peanut butter cups!
And a most familiar face, Mojo. If you didn't read his post on the impact of running on his life, check it out here. One of our most popular of recent memory. Also, follow us on Twitter to get a run down of his and my debacle during Army/Navy weekend in a couple weeks.
5. Zero bar - This is a white chocolate bar. Albino looking and rare as many albino animals. Not big on Halloween but different.
4. Twizzler - This is my driving in the car candy. Perfect to munch on or to turn into a straw and make that Coke last longer on the big trip.
3. Twix - The fact you get two makes it somehow doubly awesome and a perfect one to share. (LB Note - you can clearly see the difference between he and I... I note the fact you don't have to share my Sour Patch Kids, he picks one so he can share. Any guesses who clearly makes who the better man in this friendship?)
2. Mike and Ike - The perfect movie candy. All the flavors and a big box is not too overwhelming during the show. And no mess in the theater.
Ivy League-ish |
1. Gummy bear - There is nothing better than the classic treat. Haribo brand from Germany even better hier frauline! (LB Note - why does he always say something no one else understands? Like he's bragging about his Cornell education...)
And no list of food would be complete without the long-overdue, triumphant-ish return of Fah-T!!! You know this was right up his alley. Of course, we expected a long, well thought-out response to this question. Something only a true connoisseur of all things food could possibly understand on such a deep level. Here is what Fah came up with:
"I can answer. It would be like picking my favorite child. I love them all equally."
We all immediately called bulls**t on this, and demanded more answers. As of this post, he remains silent beyond that one line email. A few possible explanations... his parents clearly love his sister more, so choosing makes it tough on him. I also posed this question the night before Thanksgiving, aka, Fat Man's Christmas, so he probably had trouble concentrating on anything else. His lack of follow up is likely due to his still being in a food coma and/or he's still at the dinner table. Mojo also thought he might be "trying every single candy just to ensure he gets his Top 5 correct in order to give his professional opinion."
And finally, because, what the hell. I know you guys have missed her since we brought the blog back. Here is the wife's current Top 5 list, which has only changed 461 times since I first asked her, and once since I started actually typing it out for her (Admittedly, her Top 3 never wavered, just struggled with the last 2).
5. Milky Way - heaven
4. York Peppermint Patty - perfect after dinner treat (LB Note - she just wants to smooch me)
Aruba = paradise |
3. Almond Joy - coconut isn't just for pina coladas and Miami Vices (LB Note - that's a strawberry daquiri mixed with pina colada, for those who don't know. Holy awesomeness when in paradise).
2. Snickers - You can eat it any time of day - breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
1. Reese's Cups - no peanut allergies allowed in my house or classroom. Sorry, peeps.
Wife - "They are all chocolate, period, obviously. You are weird with your fruit candies." Thanks, love. Maybe she doesn't want to smooch me.
Happy Holidays and all that jazz. The Elves on the Shelves have arrived at our house, Army/Navy is forthcoming... gonna be a great December. Army/Navy Twitter madness, Chrissy's post, and a end-year co-post with me and Mojo all on the docket. Everyone have a great Holiday Season and talk to you soon. Hasta.
* As your only meal of the day, no other snacks or beverages besides water. **
** These statements not approved or denied by the FDA*** These statements confirmed by 57% of the planet
The best is hier frauline is not even good German. Think it means 'man woman'. I just say it every time G money talks about how great Germany is. So our top 3 beers are creepily alike. Only I put shorts Soft Parade in their rather than the IPA. We hang out too much :)
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