I didn't notice what color your shirt was. Or your pants. Well, maybe I did and I told you, but only to show you that I know all my colors. It doesn't matter to me if it's not the current style. I don't know what a "Car... dash... hun" is. I like you anyways. You're funny and you're nice.
I know that everyone has different color skin. It makes us look different, but everyone looks different. I have different color eyes, longer hair, light hair, and a birth mark on my leg. I like seeing what other people look like because it's interesting to me. I like hearing about other people, their families, what they like to eat, and stuff like that. I really love playing with other people's toys, that's the best. I like a lot of different colors. Today my favorite colors are pink and blue.
I ask a lot of questions because I want to learn everything I can about the world. Why does that car drive so slow? How do you make rice? Why do you like coffee so much? How long will it take to get there? Why do people look different? The world is a really interesting place to me and I want to learn as much as I can about it.
Some people are bigger than other people. Some people have "squishy bellies." I think that's kinda funny and I like to play with them, but I don't think of you any differently than anyone else. It doesn't matter to me what you look like as long as you're nice. I don't like mean people.
I know who God is and that He is looking out for us. I know how to pray. I know that God loves and wants us all to love and be nice to each other.
I like people who care about other people and are nice to each other. I don't like people who are mean to other people or say mean things. I don't understand why people do or say mean things when they don't know each other. I know that "hate" is a bad word. I know that "love" is one of my favorite words. I know that love is great no matter what.
If I could, I would be friends with everyone in the world who was nice. I will be your friend if you are nice to me. If you share and listen and smile, I will share and listen and smile. If you say nice things to me, I will say nice things to you back. If you treat me with respect and love, I will treat you with respect and love. I will beg my Mommy and Daddy to spend more time with you. I would never do mean things to you. I only do or say mean things when people teach me that it's okay. I hope you never teach me that because I like the world the way that it is.
John Lennon, RIP, the floor is yours. Hasta.
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