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Friday, April 20, 2012


Doesn't it seem like athletes get in trouble more than the average human?  Granted, they're in the spotlight, and have a lot to lose, and therefore, lose a lot when the lose it.  (Follow that one, the Dawg?)  Take, for instance, skier Lindsay Vonn, who was crushed for owing about 1.7 million in back taxes.  How much did we pay attention when she actually paid it off?  Exactly.

So in that vein, let's hit upon some of the "nice" things in sports, the ones that get no love, to help us learn to be nice.  Side note #1 - No Tim Tebow.  Side note #2 - I REALLY wanted to post the clip of Tweeter from Varsity Blues saying, "it's niiiiice," here, but it wasn't on the YouTube.  Could someone put it on YouTube and post it for me?  Cause that would be nice.

- Starting simple, remember the movie The Blind Side?  It was on cable eleven million times last week, and I gotta say, that movie almost makes me cry at the end.  StupidSandraBullockwhoIreallywanttohatebutcantcauseshesgenuinelyniceanditsapersonalthing.  Anyways, who amongst us could say we'd take in a really big stranger into our homes and provide for him?  Hell, that lady clearly would have done it even if he didn't have that NFL potential.  Good stuff.

- I heard an interview with Jamie Moyer last week, and his foundation runs a free summer camp called Camp Erin where children who are grieving tragic loss of a loved one go and get to be around other kids like them.  If you know what I do in real life, you get why I love this, but holy s**t what a great idea.  Other cool fact - Jamie Moyer, age 49, has faced 8.9% of all major league hitters in history.  Wrap your mind around that for a minute...

- Because I believe in shameless self promotion (dammit...) For those who missed the last post of LB You Call Its, there was a story about the Heat being stuck in a layover in OKC, and a bunch of troops wanted to get pics with the team.  After his teammates initially balked, LeBron James made them all get up and take "as many pictures as they want."  Hate all you want, haters, but you can't deny that one. 

Me writing the Tiger part
- In related "trying not to be a d-bag news," S**T!!! - In related news, ignore the fact Tiger Woods was a baby when playing like crap at the Masters a couple weeks back, and remember all the good work he does with his foundation.  See, I really am trying! 

- Speaking of the Masters (going for the Blogger segway of the week award), here was the nicest photo I saw all week about the tournament.  Awe-some.  Thank you, Geoff Ogilvy.
Geoff Ogilvy, baby!

- You wouldn't think an MMA fighter could be nice, but in this story, a fighter realized he's knocked out his opponent, then waives in the ref to stop the fight.  Technically, he can lose for doing something like that, but Dana White, UFC Prez, commended him and called him a class act.  Nice.

- Speaking of fighting (see?), DeSean Jackson of the Philadelphia Eagles has taken on an anti-bullying crusade after finding out he was the favorite player of a Philly kid who was badly bullied.  He's been going around speaking to students in support of the cause.  DeSean gets a bad rap, typically, but check out this clip of DeSean on The View who, along with a couple other players, comes to meet this young man, and see if you don't get a little choked up when you see him and his mom start crying.

- Posted this to the Twitter a couple months back.  Arian Foster, star Houston Texans RB (speaking of the NFL!), went undrafted, then became one of the top backs in the league.  He recently signed a contract that will set himself and his family up for life.  In this interview, he breaks down while talking about the hardships his family had and what they did to sacrifice for him.  If this doesn't touch you, you aren't human.

- Finally, you guys have probably gotten used to me posting the American flag somewhere in the post each week, so wanted to share with you a little non-profit called Team Red, White, and Blue, or Team RWB.  They compete in various athletic events, typically marathons and other longer road races, racing money to help wounded veterans.  All proceeds go straight to the vets, no B.S. here.  I've had the distinct pleasure of getting drunk with these guys before Army/Navy the last few years, and the founders are just great, great people.  Major Mojo, a regular in these here pages, works closely with them and runs for them often, which I may do if I ever get my lazy ass back in shape when I get in shape enough to join. 

Anyways, learn more about Team RWB, their mission, running in events, and make donations at  You could find fewer ways to do something nice.

Nice as they come.

Contact Logical Betting at and  And, please, teach the children well.  And nice.  Hasta.


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