Wave to Mojo! |
Welcome back. It’s like we never left. I want to thank all of you who continue to ask about how Mojo and family are doing in Belgium. Rest assured they, deservedly, using our tax dollars to putz around Europe when possible and generally enjoying an incredible experience. I was blessed to be able to plan a work trip back home to see them back in April, and rest assured my godson has not been tainted by his over-exposure to the Dutch and is continuing on his destiny of saving humanity from itself. Oh, and the rest of them are good, too.
So why are we back? Well, in many ways, Mojo and I never left. We have not stopped writing, actually. We have just moved to a different forum with a different twist on what we write now. It’s pretty powerful stuff, actually, just not quite the same vibe as Logical Betting. However, I have gotten several inquiries in the past few months as to where we “went.” So to answer your question… 1. Belgium. Mojo and I developed a lot of our material over phone calls and texts, many of them while either actively drinking or recovering from drinking. That’s tricky on a 6 hour time difference (his happy hour is my recovery). 2. Nowhere. It’s just that we haven’t shared in awhile. However, we were flattered by the inquiries, exchanged a few texts, and well… here we goes.
Twist. Get it? Already missing summer |
Nowadays it can be difficult to be true to yourself. It’s kind of a cop out to blame the Internet, but it’s hard to deny the effect the Internet, particularly social media, has on one’s ability to compare oneself to your neighbor, friend, community, etc. Doing things “differently” from others, even if it’s what you feel is in your best interest, can be a real challenge. It feels like there is an increasing pressure to conform to norms, even if those norms go against your most deeply held values and beliefs. Most behavioral research, in fact, speaks to the power of conformity in advertising and influencing people’s behaviors.
We have found persistence and keeping close the people who share your values to be the key to holding true to yourself when confronted with those set in more “negative” ways. Rather than go all philosophical here (you can perhaps now see how Mojo and I took these talks off the LB radar), let’s get to true LB culture, to quote Mojo’s mother-in-law, “pretty silly, but sometimes a little serious.” Football, yo.
A couple years back, the wife and I went through a sort of cleansing of negativity. Maybe not negativity, but we essentially decided we were only engaging in things that supported our values and made us happy. It wasn’t easy, but let me tell you, so worth it. Fah T has been working on it with good results so far. Please feel free to find us if you want ideas or help with it if you want to give it a shot. We did it with support, and would be honored to pay it forward. If you’re reading this, then you survived the purge. Good for you. More importantly, thank you from us. We appreciate your love and support, much more than you realize. I especially appreciate those who were at our house when Michigan shit the bed against Ohio State last year. Thank you for helping me forget at least the last half of that awful day. I f**ing watched the highlights the next day with an epic hangover. Like I was punishing myself for believing. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? God, beer me strength...
Enough of me. Time to class up this joint. Without further adieu, here’s Mojo. I’ll be back to send us off. Leggo.
One for my godson |
We left? Nah, never. Just that when you hit 40 genius takes more time to develop :). I’ll never stop writing with LB; it's too integral to my mental health. It is therapeutic and important. We all know the genius we sound when we rant, but the best way to really understand how little you know about something is to write it down. The certain difficulty in doing so with ease shows the complexity of issues. However, as topic one suggests, it is the persistence that brings one closer to the truth and the truth shall set you free.
As the wise philosopher S. Tyler, Esquire once said, “Life’s a journey not a destination”. It is the pursuit of happiness that we value as a right, not its attainment. Blame the internet, blame the media, blame whoever, but I think we should own the reality we have manifested. We feel entitled to the attainment of happiness and have, sadly, convinced ourselves it is necessary for happiness. I would put forth the argument that attainment of said success, new job, new car, bigger house, would not fill a void, but rather create a new empty feeling about ‘what next’. You will just want greater things; rather we should want greater appreciation for what we have. Success does not equal happiness for me. The persistent pursuit sure does, especially when you are surrounded by people who take you for what you can give to others, not what you can accumulate for yourself.
Yummy! |
I must admit that I was elated when Army beat Navy in football.. Knowing I would be in Belgium the next three I was very happy to witness it. However, the next year I watched the game with different excitement. I almost missed that sense in the air about ending the streak. The happiness from the previous year was long gone. Replacing it was the quest to repeat; to start our own streak. There was something new to the rivalry, but the constant was the persistence for it. It is the same for me with Michigan against O**o S***e and the never to be sadly missed Urban Liar Meyer. The same goes for the DETROIT Lions - being a fan asks for persistence more than it gives rewards, but that is in of itself the reward for me, and that too will change when they win the Super Bowl in 3 years. (LB Note - The beer in Belgium is reportedly verrrrrrry good...)
Sparty on? |
Powerball, here we come |
I have been reviewing writing about relationships a great deal more doing the positivity project (www.posproject.org) with my daughters in the morning. A non-profit founded by SMF’s Godfather, it takes 10 min a day to focus on the mantra of the late Dr. Chris Peterson that ‘Other People Matter’. Done so by studying one of the 24 character strengths from positive psychology and discussing it with my children. He categorized these 24 strengths after a 3-year sabbatical from the University of Michigan. Talk about persistence that leads to strong relationships, what Dr. Peterson called ‘The Good Life’.
The Neverending Story!!! |
"There isn't time, so brief is life, for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that." The good life is built with good relationships. -Mark Twain
Crazy American football (that is the European in me) predictions:
Yeah, that's bad. |
2. Army loses to Michigan by 7 and only after Michigan stops them on a final drive 4th and 1. Army goes 12-1 and finishes Top 20 in the rankings.
3. Final prediction, there will never be a uniform ever again as ugly the Spartans. Come on, guys.
Hey, it's me again. Mojo definitely classing up the place. Well done, old friend. That's enough serious. Let's finish with some silly.
Semis - 1. Clemson over 4. Alabama. 2. Georgia over 3. Michigan. Champs - Clemson over Georgia
Army 284, Navy 0. Oh, sorry. Halftime score. For real tho - Army 28, Navy 7. Also, take the over 1.5 bags of Nacho Cheese Doritos consuming during tailgate and drive home by our Army/Navy crew.
AFC - Kansas City over Cleveland. NFC - New Orleans over Philly. Super Bowl - Kansas City over New Orleans
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