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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Free NCAA Tournament Pool!

Welcome to the new Logical Betting, now found at  Obviously.  We've been giving some new looks to the site (obviously), and are going to be relaunching in our hopes to bring logic to the world of sports with more frequent posts, less words, and more common sense.  In related news, we also plan to play Mega Millions every week until we win.

Anyways, we're kicking it off with a FREE NCAA Tournament pool. Winner takes home a $25 dollar gift card to Here are the rules:

1.  Enter your bracket here on Yahoo Sports.  Group ID - 66404.  Password - logical
2.  Follow Logical Betting on Twitter at  In order to be eligible to win, you have to be a Logical Betting Twitter follower.  So even if you lose, you'll be hooked up with us on Twitter.  So you'll have that going for you.  Which is nice.
3.  Sit back and watch the best three weeks of the college sports seasons, all courtesy of the NCAA ruining the bowl system and refusing to implement a playoff.

Prize will be emailed out after we have a winner.  We are accepting an unlimited number of brackets, so forward this on to all who would be interested in playing.

Full post later in the week.  Until then, good luck with your brackets, and thanks for playing!

P.S. - Playing more than one bracket in pools is lame.  It's a recipe for second guessing picks and losing pools.  That said, feel free to play more than one if you have more than one Twitter account.  If you have more than one Twitter account, and it isn't for work or some other creative adventure, then seek help.

Contact Logical Betting at


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